Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Welcome to Mia Bella Florida!

Do you love scented candles? I do! Do you hate it how you buy a candle that smells awesome, but then you burn it once or twice and you can't smell it anymore? How about the ones that burn a hole into the middle of the candle, and you have this hunk of wax left that didn't burn? Very frustrating - and what a waste of money!

Have you ever tried a Mia Bella candle? I did, and let me tell you -- I'll never change them! These candles are probably the best smelling I've ever tried. AND, the jars burn all the way across, there's no black gunk left all over the place, and on top if it all -- they smell all the way through the entire jar! To make a good thing even better... I can make money with them! So I get to burn these fantastic candles in my home, give them away as gifts, and make money doing it!

How would you like to make money doing something that you normally do anyway? It's probably the simplest thing I've done. There's no lengthy seminar to put on in order to make a sale. I don't need to be a registered pharmacist. Or a licensed finance expert. All I do is let folks smell my candles - and they do the work for me! A 30 second 'demonstration' is all it takes. We call it "Smell and Sell".

One of the cool things about selling candles is that they make people feel good. Scent is so powerful, it can calm you down, bring back memories, and make your home or office very inviting. Candles are often given to loved ones or others as gifts. I can help people with shopping for all types of events, and get to be creative making gift baskets if I choose.

I thoroughly enjoy sharing the business opportunity with others. Nothing excites me more in this business than helping someone else get started with THEIR own new business. I love to show others how easy it is to get started and expand as they are ready.

There are several ways to produce an income with Mia Bella Candles. Person to person retailing is the best way to introduce your product to get started. From there - they sky's the limit. If you're into parties, you can build your business with home parties and make yourself an income that way. You can also get creative and do craft shows and expos. Fundraising is another very lucrative side to the business and quite simple to do. And lastly, you can build a team of your own helping others start their businesses, and create yourself residual income.

Call me at 954-742-8841 if you have specific questions, or feel free to check out our company website at . There you will find loads of info on the products, the business, and the company itself. Feel free to browse around. Enter the FREE candle drawing and indicate you're interested in the business, and I'll send you samples and info in the mail.

Create your own success!


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